Schlagwort-Archive: English

About the Monument

To name the victims, to rescue them from anonymity – that was the idea that led to the creation of a monument in memory of the victims of persecution by National Socialism in Oberursel. Weiterlesen

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Memorial for the Nazi Victims of Oberursel

Memorial for the Nazi Victims from Oberursel The Idea The purpose of the memorial for the Nazi victims from Oberursel is to give the victims a face, to name them and bring them out of anonymity. The impulse came from … Weiterlesen

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English version of memorial flyer released

It took us a while to translate our latest flyer on the Memorial for the Nazi Victims from Oberursel. We are proud to have it ready for download now. go to download page

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In Memory of the November Pogrom in 1938

by Vera Thiers On 9 November, the 70th anniversary of the November Pogrom against the Jewish people in Germany in 1938, the schools of the Hochtaunuskreis – the county in which FIS is located – participated in a memorial service … Weiterlesen

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